International Women’s Day 2024: Inspire Inclusion

29th Feb 24

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International Women’s Day is on 8th March with a theme of ‘Inspire Inclusion ‘so we are very pleased to be featuring thoughts from Ellie Poltorak, CFO at Inclusive Employers. the first and leading membership organisation for employers committed to prioritising inclusion and creating truly inclusive workplaces. Established in 2011, Inclusive Employers focuses on delivering value through impact, obtaining investment from the Palatine Private Equity Impact Fund in October 2022. EquityFD had the privilege of working with Inclusive Employers to place Ellie in her role.

Our ICAEW webinar last November took inclusivity and the impact made when all individuals are truly valued for who they are as a theme and later this month we will be featuring a fascinating article from IPsych Tech iPsychTec | Organisational Change Management Experts which will be taking a deeper dive into how behavioral science might be able to help with ensuring the impact and effectiveness of workplace Diversity Equality and Inclusivity programmes.

But now, Ellie writes...

International Women’s Day: Inspire Inclusion

8th March is International Women’s Day, a day established 100+ years ago to celebrate and raise awareness about gender equality and empowerment. This year’s theme is Inspire Inclusion, emphasising the importance and value of the unique perspectives and contributions of all women from around the world and all intersectionalities, especially those from marginalised communities.

As a woman CFO, being inspired by other women in leadership positions has been a driving force in my career to date. I have been celebrated and encouraged by others throughout my career who have believed in me and championed my value. I have been encouraged to go for the next promotion (even when being heavily pregnant), to step outside of my comfort zone (like writing this!) and smash through any glass ceilings that present themselves. Whilst I am lucky to have had incredible and significant women role models in my career, men are also essential in the conversation about inclusion. They can have the power to challenge their own and others biases, open doors to underrepresented groups in society and be a positive inclusion role model.

When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world.

International Women’s Day this year is about celebrating those who inspire women to be themselves and create truly inclusive environments where all women are valued. I am extremely privileged to be a CFO at Inclusive Employers where we work hard to support employers to make inclusion an everyday reality.

From International Women’s Day website: When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world.

This year, for International Women’s Day, I will be taking some time to celebrate the Finance department at Inclusive Employers, an all-women intersectional team. We will be reflecting on our individual talents and recognising the value from combining our unique perspectives. As their leader, I want to encourage and inspire them, as I have been encouraged and inspired.

What are you doing on 8th March this year to #InspireInclusion? Inclusive Employers can support you to make an inclusion impact in your organisation through expert guidance from their membership, training and consultancy offerings. Find us on LinkedIn or at Inclusive Employers - experts in workplace inclusion.

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