Equity IQ

Given our extensive experience of recruiting senior finance roles, we wanted to distil this into a useful diagnostic tool to ensure that:

  1. All areas are covered in the job specification, and
  2. All interested parties are aligned as to the relative importance of each skill/experience.

We thus developed the Equity IQ from an analysis of over 125 job specifications, all at FD/FC/ Head of Finance level and all into standalone roles. It takes the form of a 10-minute survey to be completed by all interested parties in the recruitment.

This should be undertaken as near as possible to the beginning of a retained / exclusive process.

The results of the individual surveys are delivered in the form of line graphs and clearly demonstrate the skills and experience required and crucially the relative importance of each deliverable as indicated by each of the survey participants.

If there is already a job specification this enables it to be refined and if there isn’t it enables a comprehensive one to be drawn up.

In our experience taking a little longer to get this right at the beginning of the process reaps rewards in terms of successful outcomes.

If you would like to watch a video of Sarah talking about why she created the Equity IQ and how it works, please click here.

For more information on the Equity IQ please call Sarah Hunt, Cindy Casciani or Robert Draper on 020 7493 2703, or try their mobile numbers, which are available here.

FD Direct Limited (trading as Equity FD, Equity FC, Equity Interim and Equity Chair) has ceased trading.

Please direct any enquiries to [email protected]